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Reviews from Amazon Customers:

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Fascinating and Intriguing – Can’t Wait for the Sequel – and More!

Sat down last night and read the entire book – was so sad when I reached the end. Had a few moments I put the Kindle down and just thought about what I just read – I was/am fascinated by this very different time-travel story – one that actually sounded – well, doable…
The author did quite a bit of research across many fields – some I am a bit familiar with, some not so much –
I love how she used energy, vibrations, parallel universe etc – it makes this all plausible – and believable – hm…
I wonder…?
I am very intrigued by this story, so Ms. St. John, if you are reading this – – hurry up with the sequel, ok? 🙂

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ The plot was cleverly delivered – making time travel seem easy to understand for the lay person

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Fantastic

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Time deliciousness

Time travel, ahh a guilty pleasure, but this one was a little different as it was not quite as you usually read. I am not going to give spoilers and ruin it for others, but it is an excellently researched book which flows well. You become interested in the lives of the main characters and when they hurt, you hurt. It is well written and the perfect blend of fact, fiction and what might be. Besides, when the man with the hair is introduced in a book, you know it is going to be fun.

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ A fantastic journey into the unknown! Time travel or just a dream?

A lovely time travel romance all combined with a young woman who could be from our current time instead of the past. This is no milkwater Miss who faints at every strange noise or happening. This is totally refreshing. I love the basis of Quantum Lace. It keeps you guessing about what will happen to Bridget and who Marcus will turn out to be and will she make it back to the man who loves her. I can hardly wait for the next installment! This novella was way too short. Just as it gets going it ends!

⭐⭐⭐⭐ Real science, real history, and time travel — I require nothing else from a sci-fi book.

Time travel stories are the best, and they’re also The Worst. This one leans toward the “best” side– Quantum Lace is a combination of actual history and quantum physics, with a hefty dose of emotional stakes.

The story provides a real-science explanation for time travel, which blew my mind, quite frankly.
Could it work? Has it already worked? What is happening? These are the kinds of questions I like when I’m reading sci-fi.

The hero, Brigit, is an 1895 Englishwoman who encounters a time traveler and hijinks ensue. However, it’s a rare thing when I like a time-travel character as much as I like the actual time travel (Doc Brown in “Back to the Future” being the exception; he totally rules.)

Brigit’s journey the science and the history together; clearly, author Leigh St. John is crazy about both subjects, because the obsessive details show that (for instance, a speech by Nikola Tesla in the book is a real speech by the real Tesla.)

I’m going to need the next book in this series right now, Ms. St. John. Just letting you know ahead of time. And I totally did not mean to end this review with a “time” reference. (reviewed by Joe Crowe, on Twitter at RevolutionSF.)

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Interesting and engaging

The first in a series, Quantum Lace is a very interesting read! Quantum physics, alternate universes, Victorian England, Modern times, this book has it all! Appropriate for all ages, educational yet at the same time fun. I am really looking forward to the next book!

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Ok. Now I have to read the next one.

I enjoyed the book. It was a short but good read and an interesting story that – as a series – made me want to read the next in the series. Great job. Well done. Characters were good.

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Really good book

I am not found of copy and paste reviews. I only say what I feel. I really enjoyed this book and look forward to the next in what I hope will be many more. What I enjoyed was the references to H. G. Wells books. I am fascinated by time travel and this was fast paced and intriguing. On a personal note, thanks for taking time to reach out to me and let me know about your work. I feel very lucky.

⭐⭐⭐⭐ Time travel with a twist – and a nice blend of fact and fiction

The time travel trope is exceedingly popular right now – there are new books published/posted every day… With the preponderance of stories comes, of necessity, a commonality among them. There are, after all, only so many ways to talk about time travel. Or so I thought, before reading this first installment in a new series. The concept of time travel via dream, connected by touchstone objects, struck me as a new slant on a common theme – and one which I enjoyed immensely. Lady Bridgit ‘s tale opens with a dream, and ends with a vision – and the path she travels in between the covers of the book contains a nice blend of fact and fiction. I must admit, the romance element feels a little stereotypical to me (without spoilers, I can’t say much more; although the reveal in the story happens relatively quickly, I still don’t want to speed it along inadvertently), but other than that, I found her tale an intriguing one and I’m curious to see where (and when) the story takes me next.

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ A Level Headed Heroine, How Nice!

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ A Tale as old as Time Or Is It

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Can’t wait for more.

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ If You Can Dream It… Believe It.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Really good book
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ A delightful blend of historical novel and science fiction



quantum lace readers-favorite

Quantum Lace by Leigh (Bella) St John is a remarkable science fiction novella about a young woman’s introduction into the exploration of time and space. … [this] is an intriguing science fiction short story that takes the reader on an adventure into another era. It is the first story in a series that is based on actual studies and scientific data. I was immediately caught by the imagery of the setting and couldn’t put the book down until the startling and sudden ending. The story line is mesmerizing, and Ms. St John has done a magnificent job of melding fact with fiction. I love science, history, and fiction stories that stay true to reality and this novella achieves that criteria. Although this is not a standalone, it is a phenomenal science-fiction novella. I highly recommend it to those who are fans of time travel and wish to explore the concept by applying quantum physics.
Reviewed by Susan Sewell for Readers’ Favorite


“Quantum Lace” by Bella St John (CreateSpace, $7.99) is the first in a projected series of five books starring Lady Bridgit Darnell, set initially in 1895 in England.

It’s an intriguing, well-researched tale involving time travel, not as a possible concept, but as reality.

The slim 100-page novella opens with Bridgit believing that she’s having a strange dream, when she meets a time-traveler named Markus in present-day South Carolina.  He explains the concept as not just theoretical – he’s living proof that it can be done.

The author deftly mixes reality with fiction, as she notes in a brief prologue, it’s a vivid combination “largely based on real science, real people and real events.” … There are life-altering changes; it ends with a cliff-hanger – followed by the first chapter of the next book in the series.

More information is at St John’s website QuantumLace.com.”

This review by Ray Walsh appeared in the Lansing State Journal.  Ray Walsh, owner of East Lansing’s Curious Book Shop, has reviewed books regularly since 1987. 


“Mind Blown!”
Maxwell Sparks


“Intriguing! I have never heard anyone present such a compelling notion of how time travel could ACTUALLY work. Makes me want to test it for myself.”
Jonathan McTaggart


“Beautifully written story about acharacter I already feel I know and love. But you can’t leave her there! Hurry up and write the next one!”
Mary Gladwell


“The research you have done for this book is beyond impressive. It is a mark of a true craftsman. Brilliant!”
Ralph L. Masterson


“With a family and a career, I rarelyget a chance to read novels so when my mother gave me a copy of Quantum Lace, I was overjoyed that it is a short, doable read once everyone has gone to bed. I loved it. Sign me up to read them all!”
Julia Overton


“Being a student of quantum physics, I was expecting to spend my time picking holes in this book, but quite the contrary.  It is an interesting combination of physics and spirituality that makes you question what you thought you knew.  I wish I could say I hated it, but I thoroughly enjoyed it.”
Scott Barnes


“Any book that makes me think is a good book, and this is one of the best I have read.”
Mrs. E. Marshall