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Book Club & Teaching Resources

Being based on real science, real people, and real events, these books are wonderful discussion starters and teaching tools.

Below you will find a list of general questions to help in your discussion of ‘Quantum Lace’.

As always, if I can help with anything – or even talk with your group via Skype or Zoom – feel free to reach out and contact me.

~ Bella

General Questions for the Entire Series

  • Are the issues ‘Quantum Lace’ discusses controversial? How so? And who is aligned on which sides of the issues? Where do you fall in that line-up? 
  • Are there any books that you would compare this one to? How does ‘Quantum Lace’ hold up to them?
  • Compare a character, the story, or a main event in ‘Quantum Lace’ to another book.
  • Consider the ending. Did you expect it or were you surprised?
  • Describe an important event from ‘Quantum Lace’ and tell why it is important.
  • Did ‘Quantum Lace’ intrigue, amuse, disturb, alienate, irritate, or frighten you? 
  • Did any of the characters remind you of yourself or someone you know? How?
  • Did certain parts of ‘Quantum Lace’ make you uncomfortable? If so, why did you feel that way? Did this lead to a new understanding or awareness of some aspect of your life you might not have thought about before?
  • Did the storyline change your opinion of an event, place or time-period? How?
  • Did you think the ending was appropriate? If not, how would you have preferred to have seen the ending?
  • Did your opinion of ‘Quantum Lace’ change as you read it? How?
  • Do any characters grow or change during the course of the novel? If so, in what way? 
  • Do you find the characters convincing? Are they believable? Are they fully developed as complex human beings—or were they one-dimensional? 
  • Does ‘Quantum Lace’ remind you of your own life? An event? A person—like a friend, family member, boss, co-worker? 
  • Does the setting (time and place) of the story make a difference?
  • Have any of your views or thoughts changed after reading ‘Quantum Lace’?
  • Have you read any books that are similar to ‘Quantum Lace’?
  • Have you read any other books in the series by this author? Were they comparable to your level of enjoyment to this one?
  • How did the “roles” of the various characters influence their interactions? For example, Bridgit is daughter, woman, lady of the house…
  • How did you experience ‘Quantum Lace’? Were you immediately drawn into the story—or did it take a while?
  • How do characters change, grow or evolve throughout the course of the story? What events trigger such changes?
  • How does the cover art reflect the themes in ‘Quantum Lace’? If you don’t think it does, what would you depict on the cover if you were the cover designer?
  • How does the way the characters see themselves, differ from how others see them? How do you see the various characters?
  • How has reading ‘Quantum Lace’ changed your opinion of a certain person or topic?
  • How have the characters changed by the end of ‘Quantum Lace’?
  • How important is the setting & time period to the story? How would it have played out differently in a different setting? What about a different time period?
  • How would you react if you were in the same situation as Bridgit?
  • How would you resolve the problems faced by Bridgit?
  • If ‘Quantum Lace’ were to be made into a mini-series, who would you cast for the main characters?
  • If you could ask the main characters of ‘Quantum Lace’ three questions, what would you ask?
  • If you could give Bridgit some advice, what would you tell her?
  • If you could insert yourself as a character in ‘Quantum Lace’, what role would you play? 
  • If you could jump in at any point in ‘Quantum Lace’ and become a part of the storyline, where would it be?
  • If you were in the story, what would your relationship be to Bridgit?
  • If you were to talk with the author, what would you want to know?
  • In what ways do the events in ‘Quantum Lace’ reveal evidence of the author’s world view?
  • Is the plot well developed? Is it believable? Do you feel manipulated along the way, or do plot events unfold naturally, organically? 
  • Is the story plot or character driven? Do events unfold quickly or is more time spent developing characters’ inner lives? Does it make a difference to your enjoyment? 
  • Is the story realistic? Does it matter to the story line?
  • Is there one character that is similar to you?
  • Think about ‘Quantum Lace’. Then finish this sentence in 3 different ways: I wonder….
  • Think about a supporting character in ‘Quantum Lace’. How would ‘Quantum Lace’ be different if that character did not exist?
  • Think of an important event in ‘Quantum Lace’. How would the story have changed if this event had not happened?
  • To what extent do the characters remind you of yourself or someone you know?
  • Were there any moments where you disagreed with the choices of any of the characters? What would you have done differently?
  • Were there any notable racial, cultural, traditions, gender, sexuality or socioeconomic factors at play in ‘Quantum Lace’? If so, what? How did it effect the characters? Do you think they were realistically portrayed?
  • Were there any particular quotes that stood out to you? Why?
  • Were you sorry ‘Quantum Lace’ ended? Why or why not?
  • What “touches” you most about ‘Quantum Lace’?
  • What are some important relationships in ‘Quantum Lace’?
  • What are the major conflicts in the story
  • What did you find surprising about the facts introduced in ‘Quantum Lace’?
  • What did you learn from reading ‘Quantum Lace’?
  • What did you think of the structure and style of the writing?
  • What do you think will happen to the characters in the rest of the series?
  • What emotions did you feel while you read this? 
  • What is motivating the actions of the characters in the story?
  • What is the significance of the title? Would you have given ‘Quantum Lace’ a different title? If yes, what is your title?
  • What motivates different character’s actions? Do you think those actions are justified or ethical? 
  • What passage strikes you as particularly profound or interesting? 
  • What past influences are shaping the actions of the characters in the story?
  • What scene resonated most with you personally in either a positive or negative way? Why?
  • What scene was the most pivotal for ‘Quantum Lace’? How do you think the story would have changed had that scene not taken place?
  • What specific themes did the author emphasize throughout the novel?
  • What surprised you the most about ‘Quantum Lace’?
  • What was Bridgit’s life like just before the story started?
  • What was unique about the setting of ‘Quantum Lace’ and how did it enhance or take away from the story?
  • What were the dynamics of “power” between the characters? How did that play a factor in their interactions?
  • What were the themes of ‘Quantum Lace’? Do you feel they were adequately explored? Were they brought to life in a cliche or in a unique manner?
  • What would be the advantages or disadvantages of living during this time-period? Would you like living in this time period? Why or why not?
  • Which characters do you particularly admire or dislike? What are their primary characteristics? 
  • Who in ‘Quantum Lace’ would you like to meet? What would you ask, or say? 
  • Who is your favourite character in ‘Quantum Lace’? Why is this character your favourite?
  • Why did the author choose the design of ‘Quantum Lace’ cover?
  • Why did the author choose the title of ‘Quantum Lace’?
  • Why did the author write ‘Quantum Lace’?
  • Would the story have been different if you were the main character?